Part 40: Victory or Death

His destination is the Dread Isle. An enemy waits there, one who must be defeated. Nergal surrounds himself with his morphs and waits for Eliwood's arrival. The final battle draws near

So, she can't handle the magic Nergal gave her? Or she won't survive the Dragon-summoning? Because the former would be a little embarrassing. "Oh yeah, well here's my best, most perfect morph with the strongest magic ever and- What? What do you mean 'We had to put her down, she was completely corrupted?'"

???: Lord Eliwood! Look out! Move!

Ah, the old "Let's just have everyone magically appear" approach. A classic.

Victory or Death, the final opportunity to get your units in fighting condition. For being the penultimate chapter however, it's not particularly difficult. First, we have some items to distribute.

To Eliwood goes a Dragonshield and Body Ring.

Hector, the boots.

Lyn, a Dragonshield.

Lowen, Energy Ring.

Serra, an Angelic Robe and Goddess Icon.

Erk, Goddess Icon.

Priscilla, Speedwings and Robe.

Dart, Talisman and Secret Book.

On the map, we're splitting into three groups.

To the east, Lyn, Rath, Dart, Rebecca, and Priscilla. A few knights, a few warriors, and Nomad Troopers will be coming from those southeast fortresses.

The north will be taken by Hector, Oswin, Jaffar, Erk, and Serra. Heroes, a Bishop, and Falcoknights come in by the ruins.

And the center route is left to Eliwood, Lowen, Lucius, Harken, and Vaida. Another bishop, a swordmaster, and cavaliers and paladins to deal with here.

And all the way in the northeast corner is Limstella. There's a secret shop where the cursor is, should that tickle your fancy.

Limstella is essentially a slightly slower, but otherwise "bigger numbers" version of Sonia. Surprisingly, she does not have a Bolting tome to be an annoying bitch with, but her sheer defenses and HP make up for that shortcoming. That Fimbulvetr tome hurts, and she'll make ample use of it due to how damn hard it is to put her down.
Let's get started.

Useful in battle my ass. There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for using unpromoted units at this point in the game.

Hot damn Eliwood, don't be in such a hurry to show everyone up now.

Much like Cog of Destiny, Victory or Death has plenty of arbitrary lines to cross, and doing so spawns reinforcements. Vaida caused these poor warriors and brigands to come in near Hector.

This guy is using a Wo Dao, which is a sword unique to Swordmasters and Lyn. Much lighter than a Killing Edge with a higher critical rate, though it's just slightly weaker. Of course, this means nothing when he can't hurt our units at all.

Silly morph, you can't hit Merlinus with normal weapons, why do you think Bolting is going to work?

Eliwood moves north and kills the swordmaster, which triggers the cavaliers/paladin. Honestly, it's a waste considering that they don't spawn in every few turns, just when you cross the line.

Not going to argue with defense on Prissy, but...

Turns out I lied, Rebecca's speed cap is 29. Very good level though.

Why does this morph have a Devil Axe? Why would anyone use a Devil Axe, except like, maybe Serra? Also note, even with how ridiculously strong the Devil Axe, and even with it being a warrior, he still has straight zeroes against Hector.

A perfect level. Never stop you crazy motherfucker (that's skill capped now).

And then the ballista-sniper is killed off as well. Two points away from his strength cap, one away from speed.

Nomad troopers in the southeast corner. Not that they're going to accomplish much.

Wyverns hit Eliwood while he has a Javelin equipped so he can't get the kill. He can still get an alright level though.

This is not funny guys, this is the penultimate chapter. There are no more chances to get better levels.

Eclipse assholes! What would a chapter be without them?

Rath also picks up Swords-D, for all the good Steel swords are going to do at this point.

Cleaning out the center causes these guys to spawn in.

Purge assholes too? Why, it's not even my birthday.

Someone in the thread asked why Lowen was still being used because of his really low stats. Here's why. Dude can fucking tank, and he just keeps getting better at it.
Vaida pops into the middle village.

The final dance for Ninian/Nils, Set's Litany raises your avoid. Much like Thor's Ire, not particularly useful.
Southern Village:

Uh, the hell? Where did the anime come from?

Hell if I know, Dart. Hell if I know.

Just because you killed the hero very stylishly, doesn't mean you get a free pass on levels young man.

Two can play this game, friend.

Hector stops in the north village.

Wow, the game is still throwing units at us. And this one is a joke. Renault's best factor is that he comes with a free Fortify staff (which heals all units within [Mag/2] tiles for [Mag+10] HP). Far, far more useful than this asshole himself, who has the audacity to show up at level 16 on the second-to-last chapter of the game with an amazing 12 magic.

Lyn takes potshots at a general. It'll do.

And Lucius gets this for killing the Eclipse asshole. Well, that and a Nosferatu tome but no one cares about that.

Vaida's levels brought to you by "What, you wanted good levels? Don't use a fucking prepromote." More defense, I suppose.

Of course, Rath is all too eager to demonstrate the opposite statement for us.

And here we go. Victory or Death takes a different approach to reinforcements than Cog of Destiny did. You get about 10 turns to get as far as you can, and then on almost every single turn afterwards, a set of reinforcements comes in from somewhere behind you. It might be here, it might be on the other side of the map, but they'll come in somewhere. It's quite worth sitting it out and just letting them come and die for the experience, but they don't stop until turn 35.

Hector picks up yet another capped stat for killing another ballista sniper.

What a beautiful screen.

Even Eliwood is getting into the act. See, we can deal with that.

It's such a wierd disconnect when you kill everyone on a map that supposed to be a big, final battle. "I...huh, well I guess we can wait around a bit for you to get some more troops in? This is kind of embarrassing, actually."

There we go.

Bandit-slaying gets Oswin...this. Well, it's typical for this Oswin at least.

Serra is probably in better shape than Lucius now. Magic is very similar, speed is probably a little bit higher, and she has a shitton more luck.

Lucius is not so quick to be upstaged though, and decides to take on wyvern-slaying as a hobby.


Lyn fares slightly better.

Defense out of nowhere on Serra. Not going to complain at all. Also, Light-B. A shame she won't be able to get up to A and pretty much entirely replace Lucius.

...Well alright then Erk.

Never stop, Serra.

You're falling behind, Lucius. The only real advantage he'll have on Serra at this rate is that he'll be able to use the S-rank Light tome.

Let's get started on Limstella. This is Rebecca's usual longbow bullshit, and she's just able to put up a single point of damage. Limstella is fucking hard as hell to hurt.

Let it be known that morphs not having luck does hilarious, hilarious things for units like Berserkers who go for criticals. But this is not Dart's fight.

Not as impressive as Dart's numbers, but still quite dangerous. Let's do it.

Oh, come on.

About damn time, Vaida. Now let's get out of here.


Renaud is the European name for Renault. No idea why they made that change, but they did a lot of small things like that (Laus -> Lahus? Did that really warrant a change for Europe?)
HP: 60%
Magic: 40%
Skill: 30%
Speed: 35%
Luck: 15%
Defense: 20%
Resistance: 40%
Renault is actually a fairly solid unit with decent enough growths should Serra and Lucius both be completely screwed...ahaha, I can't even type that with a straight face. Renault is trash. His growths are the usual middling fare for prepromotes and though he does have fairly impressive bases, his magic is so low he's literally unusable. Even if he were to get raised up to level 20, you'd be looking at an absolute max of 16 magic. As a L20 bishop. Don't even think about using him - if Serra and Lucius both that screwed, just go without.